Now Available at Amazon.com Barnes & Noble and Smashwords
Lieutenant Nixon is a bitter, frustrated naval officer serving his time as a staff weenie in the International Zone. Bored with the monotony of war, he ventures to a secret bunker below one of Saddam Hussein’s former palaces with a quirky German named Hans. Crawling down to the depths of the destroyed structure, he finds more than he bargained for.The actual bunker is a real place that was constructed for Saddam and his goons by a German firm in the 1980s. The palace really did get nailed with JDAMs in 2003The Bunker below Believers’ Palace is a 3,400-word (~15-page) short story about the mystery behind Saddhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifam’s toppled dictatorship.
This is my first attempt at self-publishing, so hit me with your best shot. I find that the nastier the criticism tends to be the most helpful. My brother did the editing, and I was able to get the eBook formatted pretty quickly with the tutorials I made for MOBI and EPUB conversion along with getting a Word document to pass the Smashwords Meatgrinder.
But enough with the nerd talk, just read my damn story. If you're hurting for dough and need that $0.99 to buy clothes hangers or whatever, shoot me an email and I'll hit you up with a free PDF.

Hello, nice site. Posted by myself in bookmarks
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